Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sewing project: quilted potholders

If you're looking for DIY gift ideas, potholders are a great option!

To mkae this Christmas gift, I Googled "potholder tutorial" and found absolutely tons of them. So many that I became somewhat overwhelmed and decided to just kind of wing it. So I'm not going to link a particular tutorial, but believe me, they're out there.

But to be honest, you don't really need a tutorial if you've ever made a quilt. I had the basic idea of how to make a potholder, I just needed to know how much batting to put in the middle. I also liked looking at all the tutorials (especially if you Google it as an image search) just for inspiration.

So, all I needed to buy for this project was 100% cotton batting. Polyester will melt. I used three layers of the cotton. Some people use some kind of batting (I forget the name) with a metal content for the middle layer, but I wanted mine to remain microwaveable.

This was my first time trying the "stacked blocks/bricks/books/bolts" block. I totally recommend making potholders for experimenting with different quilt blocks! It's also a simple way for some scrap busting.

I cut all three layers of batting, my backs or bottoms, and my two quilt blocks to be slightly larger than 8" by 8". I don't remember how long I cut the handle/hook thingy.

To construct these two potholders, I basically made an inside-out quilt sandwich and stitched around the edge. Then turned it right side out, then stitched around the edge again, then did some different quilting in rainbow thread. It worked OK, but I think next time I make potholders, I'll use bias-bound edges instead.

So, super-quick and easy, and a great last-minute DIY gift idea. I'm even planning on making some for my own kitchen.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Project: quilted Christmas stockings

I wanted our family Christmas stockings to be similar without being "matchy-matchy", so I decided to quilt them in different color schemes and using different techniques. Quilted Christmas Stockings
Haha, my stocking (in the middle) looks like it belongs on the foot of some wonky-footed giant. Guess I need to get in there and poke those seams out a little better.

It was also a fun chance to try some quilt blocks I'd never done: my husband's is just scrappy quilting, mine is wonky log cabin, and my son's is my first applique with his name spelled in a quilt block. (Yeah, my obsession with personalizing things isn't going away any time soon.)

  Thrasher Mag Stocking
The Thrasher Magazine t-shirt in the center goes back to the first year my husband and I were together. He asked me to order him a Thrasher watch (we were so young he didn't have a credit or ATM card yet!) from their website. When I was placing the order, I saw this men's t-shirt on clearance for something like $3 or $4! I can't resist a deal, so I bought it for myself.

Well, when the order arrived, my then-boyfriend claimed the shirt for himself, wore it long enough to get a couple of holes in the belly-button area, and guess what... that's when I got it back. I've since been wearing it for years as a pajama top (our baby loved staring at it when he was just a few months old), and decided a few months ago it was high time I stuck this raggedy thing in the upcycle pile.

When I decided to make my husband a red Christmas stocking, it was the perfect time to upcycle the t-shirt. The rest of the fabric on his is just random stuff from the scrap drawer.

Wonky Log Cabin Stocking
My stocking is just random scraps from the scrap drawer. It was my first go at wonky log cabin blocks, which is currently my favorite block! I was trying to make mine predominantly pink.

Personalized Puppy Stocking
Argh, this picture is the only one I took of my son's solo, and it's out of focus. I chose to make his mostly blue, and didn't have a lot of blue in the scrap drawer, so I reluctantly bought some blue fat quarters from JoAnn. I also bought a puppy-themed bundle I happened to see, as I'd already decided to make his stocking dog themed.

I free-hand drew the dog applique pieces on the applique interfacing I'd purchased, and, although you can tell on the stocking that it's my first applique attempt, I'm happy with how it turned out and will try appliqueing some more in the future.

Final thoughts: I used this Design Sponge pattern for the shape but made up my own directions. Each stocking is lined with the same quilting cotton (a silly bird-print tropical fabric). I stitch all three stockings and their linings around the edges, then stitched the linings to their stockings around the upper edge, leaving a hole to turn. Once they were turned, I topstitched around the edges.

Fun! Have you made stockings? I'd love to see them!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Kwik Sew 3799: Western flannel top

Kwik Sew 3799 Yolk
I almost titled this post "Western pajama top" but I didn't want you to think it was a pajama top for realsies, because who wants to look at other people's PJ's? Don't answer that.

But this shirt does look like a pajama top... probs because I used pajama fabric from Gramma's stash. Lesson learned.

This is my test run of Kwik Sew 3799, which explains my less-than-stellar fabric choice. I have already pre-washed an amazing plaid flannel, also from Gramma's stash, to make my real version of this shirt. I had a feeling it was going to become a "tried-n-true" pattern before I even made it based on the only review (at the time) on Pattern Review.

I scoured the web high and low for a sweet little blouse with a Western yolk. I initially wanted a vintage 1940s or 1950s one, but realized that the Western shirt has remained largely unchanged for decades and decades. The 50s version had a more cinched-in-waist, the 70s one had wider lapels, and the 90s ones were made up in bright pink and teal Southwestern prints. But the differences were minor when compared to the similarities; save the puffed sleeves, the sweet little blue gingham Western blouse I had as a little girl in the 80s looked remarkably similar to the one my in-laws bought for my son last year.

So, I figured, why pay the vintage price when I could get a more recent pattern for a cheaper price? (Not to mention my non-vintage pattern friendly big measurements). I actually found Simplicity still selling two Western shirt patterns in their men's section. But I didn't want to get those and have to deal with adding darts. Similarly, Etsy had several 90s models that were labeled "unisex", which I'd also have to do some shaping on to avoid looking even more chunk. Also, I really love this unisex one from from Folkwear!

I ended up going with Kwik Sew after my Google search turned up a message board posting that stated "Kwik Sew has a women's Western pattern". I had to search through their patterns before I guessed it was this one. You see, their line drawing doesn't actually show the Western yolk.

Can I just take a second to point out the irony of having to go with a Swedish pattern company for such a distinctly American shirt? And not even just American, a very specific region of America. Get with it, Simplicity, and re-issue a women's Western shirt. (And yes, I do realize Kwik Sew is under the McCall's umbrella now, but still.)

Kwik Sew 3799 front
I like to call this expression "the smug mugshot."
Mine is not nearly as slim fitting as I would like; you can see that billowy-ness action going on in the right side of the picture here. I sewed the largest size (my bust measurement is 45") and should've sized down one. I mulled taking it in on the sides, but as it's my test run, I didn't bother to mess with it. My husband gave it the stamp of approval, so I guess it's OK, but the next one will be more slim-fitting.

And there will be a next one, I really enjoyed this pattern. I did have some issues with the cutting layout, you can read more about that on my Pattern Review. (I clearly have a lot to say about this pattern). But I have plans for one in plaid, as mentioned above, and hopefully chambray as well.

Also, I should add here that my bro said "that looks like what [his fiance] would wear for pajamas," so, I'm not the only one who thinks it looks like a pajama top. That won't stop me from wearing it out of the house, it's just soooo soft. Probably because it's made from pajama fabric.

Kwik Sew 3799
Final thoughts: I love Kwik Sew 3799 and will make it again (and again), which is what I was hoping when I purchased this pattern. It was my first Kwik Sew and, although the smaller, quarter-inch seam allowances took some getting used to, I thought the directions were easy to follow. I liked that they have you finish all the seams with a zig-zag stitch.

Also, I mentioned this pattern was too wide-- it was also too short for my 5'11" frame. Next time, I have to lengthen both the bodice and the sleeves. Although, I'll admit the sleeves actually look long enough in some of these pics, which is not the case. This time, I hemmed with bias tape to both add length and deal more easily with the curved hem.

Finally, I used some cheapie "pearl" snaps from WalMart and I love the look, but next time I may just use buttons. I smooshed at least one snap while hammering it on, and it won't close. Luckily, it's on a pocket. Some cracked as well on the plastic part. Do you have any snap-hammering tips? I wanted my husband to bust out the rubber mallet, but he brought me a standard hammer instead.

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