A utensil bouquet makes a great housewarming, bridal or baby shower gift, or maybe even wedding gift if you go really over the top with it. As you can see, it's basically a gift basket made to look like a bouquet, or in my case, a pot of flowers. It can take an inexpensive or ho-hum gift like utenstils and make it more memorable or visually appealing.
I simply purchased a flower pot, some utensils from her registry, and some dish towels to match her kitchen's color scheme. I used floral tape, shish-ka-bob skewers, and turned the dish towels into flowers. Then I just arranged everything in the flower pot to look like a bouquet. Some paper crinkle grass/gift basket filler (what is that stuff called?) holds everything up nicely. And I almost forgot; I lined it with some coordinating tissue paper first, standing it up a little around the sides. Ribbon finishes it off.
![utenstil boquet](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3783/9086938470_551ffc5233.jpg)
For a baby shower, you can use baby washcloths and onesies to make the flowers, and things like bottle scrubbers could also make up the bouquet... while kitchen timers and measuring cups tied to the side would look adorbs for the new bride or as a house warming gift.
What about you, do you prefer to DIY your gifts?